Films, censorship and documentary...
Vijaya Mulay <vijaya.mulay at> shared this letter on the issue of films and censorship, taken up by the Indian Documentary Producers Association. Vijaya writes to say that she has been president of IDPA.
Vijaya writes: "It ad some effect and the censorship for MIFF has been curtailed. Recently I met the Joint Secretary concerned again and asked him that if the Governement has agreed to what IDPA has suggested why has a notification to that effect been issued? He told me that after the new minister has seen the file it would be issued...."
14 September 2005 Dear Filmmaker,
Given the success of "Expressions in Freedom" 2005, the IAWRT in partnership with IIC Asia Project will hold the next festival of films by Asian women film makers in March 2006. Titled " Women, Media and Society: Transformations" it will be a two day event, to mark the International Women's Day (March 8th to 9th 2006).
The aim of the festival is to open up a cultural space for debates on creative processes enriched by women's quest for documenting their experiences.
Recognizing the critical need for forums that sustain the form of documentary as well as women's contribution to this unique form, the festival will show the best of documentaries created by women, covering a whole range of genres and expressive styles. It will present films that explore the experiences of women through transformations, be they political, social, cultural, environmental, educational or economic in nature in today's globalised world. How are women film makers negotiating, exploring, resisting or documenting these transformations? How are they creating a new language of debate on these issues? How are women widening the frame for issues concerning women? These can be some of the central questions in the festival coupled with panel discussions and/or a seminar.
IIC Asia-project and IAWRT will also use this forum to curate a special session dedicated to Short Films across genres of animation, fiction and documentary film, an area in which women have started staking a claim.
We are also exploring the possibility of travelling the show in major cities in India and Asia.
The IAWRT is a non–profit professional organization of women working in electronic and allied media. The IAWRT is a non-government organization (NGO), in consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). IAWRT collaborates with media organizations and organizes conferences, projects and activities.
We take this opportunity to invite you to send your film by 10th Dec. 2005. The forms for the festival are attached. For more information contact: Deepti : email: cfarasam at Copy to: fict at (Kind Attn. Ms. Jai Chandiram)
Warm regards, Jai Chandiram President IAWRT 9811277004
President: Jai Chandiram, India. Secretary Gunilla Ivarsson Sweden, Treasurer: Oona Solberg, Norway.
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